Monday, November 16, 2009

Chasing Rainbows in France

I can almost be considered the worst blogger of all time; It has been three months since I last blogged and it took me two days before I could remember my password to this blog! Talk about getting old and being a rusty amateur blogger!

I have been living in France for a little over six months now, and while I have only written a few posts about my life here and about the places to see here, it almost feels that talking about France is getting old as well.

I went here with the goal of knowing more about myself after a trying time in my life, and I have definitely found healing here. I have been humbled to the core and I have resurfaced a much better person. And yet, there is something missing---that which I no longer long for, proves to haunt me at the present.


The post above was something I wrote a couple of weeks ago. It was something that I thought Icould not continue...I was thinking that maybe it was something hormonal. Lately, the feelings that I started feeling a couple of weeks ago has been lingering. While my hormones are abnormal at the moment, I also believe that something has changed inside me. I don`t know exactly what and why, but it has made me feel quite confused.

All I know for certain at this point is that I am changing...evolving...and at times I can no longer pinpoint in what direction I am headed to. Am I just floating? Am I really wasting my time? Or all this searching has a meaningful reward in the end?

Do all good stories really have to end? How do we start a new one? Is it as easy as turning the page?