Wednesday, March 25, 2009

C'est la vie

I have not been studying French lately, but I did make an effort to borrow a French Instruction CD with a booklet from the Spring Garden Public Library today. It was my first time in the said establishment, and I applied for my library card and got it a few minutes after registration. I did not fill out any forms and the guy who handled my request was very charming and pleasant. I couldn't help but smile back at him and be as friendly as he was.

I do feel that I am very different from everyone else here though, and it is primarily because I am Asian. I feel distanced from the other Asians here as well because I am new here and have not really established my roots. Nonetheless, there are very nice people here and there are also those that I should be wary of. Even in a town with what seems like, very nice people there will always be its own dose of opportunists and bad elements of society. I am always on guard wherever I go and I try my hardest not to be too trusting.

Anyways, It is almost dinner time and I really need to cook for my family here. There are still a few more things I'd like to share though, like yesterday I earned my first CA$20 from participating in a local survey. The project manager was friendly and nice and I actually had a pleasant time. The only downside is that we kept on talking about caffeine, because there were questions pertaining to that so I actually developed a craving for Coke Zero after the session. I begrudgingly bought a CA$ 2 bottle of Coke Zero from a nearby grocery and I'm psyching myself that it will be my last bottle of Coke.

I am blogging my thoughts without any sort of pattern now, as I am sharing events that happened both yesterday and today.

The glass of the window where I am at is making sounds as the strong gust of wind slaps against it. I am reminded of the snow storm the past two days.

It was so cold, and since it was my scheduled appointment for participating in the survey I told you about, I had no choice but to walk my way through the snow.

The locals here are so used to it that those who walked the same path with me yesterday passed by me one by one. I was walking at a very slow pace because I was very afraid to land on my a** and it actually did me some good---first, I did not slip although I almost did several times; and second, I found a lucky quarter embedded in the snow as I was walking back home.

This is it for now. I have books to read for tonight and for the next few days...I need to get back to my cooking and I'll get back to you if I happen to do any sightseeing in the days to come.

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